My memory lane.
SB and I get hitched.
Chapter 1. The Engagement
It was 1989. A balmy night in Edinburgh.
We were sitting on a wall, outside a pub, waiting to go to a Van Morrison concert at Edinburgh Castle.

Why were we on a wall?
The pub was full to capacity, we were overspill.
SB went inside to get us "more" drink, because we really needed more.
He fought through the crowds, arms upraised...didn't spill a drop.
He handed me my beverage and as he swayed ( music playing in his head?) he slurred -
SB - shoow je wannae git married? ( imagine an inebriated Sean Connory voice here)
Me -( Fell off the wall )
Yep there I am! Mouth agape...
He took that as a yes.
His Mantra :

More to follow, if you like?
Ha! Kermy has been hitting that rainbow connection a little hard.
"He fought through the crowds, arms upraised...didn't spill a drop."
That's definitely marriage material there.
LA - I trained him...just saying
Now that's true romance.
wv: perspir--what he might have been doing if he hadn't been drunk..perspiring.
John - He is indeed Roomantic! In an orangutan kinda way...
I like his mantra.
Wv - berderma - The skin on a bird.
Mike - Why does this not surprise me?
LOL! Yes, we need to know what happens after he realizes you've fallen off the wall.
I used to enjoy the Saturday morning serials, so I'm sure I'll enjoy the coming installments of the fairytale wedding of SB and Fiona. Of course, most episodes of those Saturday morning serials ended with the heroine in some sort of deadly peril not necessarily involving alcohol.
vw - vetabdie: what happens when you don't feed your vetab.
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