And the crowd goes wild!...does one reader constitute a crowd?
I am quite adept at "solo" crowd creation. I'm quite noisy.
I could hire myself out, as a crowd.
Parties for sad people with no friends, weddings for couples who hate their in-laws etc
Hey I could be on to something here folks!
If I offer LA 50% of the hiring fee , we could even do stadium events, for groups everyone hates or teams with no supporters...hmmmmmm
Enough of that nonsense, moving onwards and upwards and "supporters" bringing me back on my case gravitational forces have eliminated any upward boobie "stance".

That's sad.
That's yucky.
Sorry, if you were eating breakfast and had a rather disturbing mental image.
I feel for you, I really do.
I can view the "real" thing(s) every day...imagine that
You'll feel ill for the rest of the day...believe me on this one
You know that's not strictly true... if I jump up and down I can hit chin/belly, chin/ belly so there is an UPWARD after all... shame about the downward.

I took WT to the pubic swimming pool a few years back.
She was only 2 or 3 so we went into the dressing room together to get changed.
I got her ready then started to remove my underthingys
WT - Mommy?
Me - Yes darlin?
WT - Mommy why are your boobies long?
We remained in the cubicle until the giggles and snorts died down from the surrounding, filled to capacity, cubes.
Feckin "popular" public swimming pools!
Thank the good lord for under wired Bikini Tops.
Oh yes indeedy.
You can lift yer boobies with a bra but ye cannae change your accent!
I whispered to WT for the duration of our swim.
WT - Mommy why are you whispering?
Me - Shhhhhhhhhhhhh
HA this post is so funny!! I love the picture of the old lady and her saggy boobs, I mean nuts.
I've run across some videos that would fit this post perfectly. I've refrained from posting them. I may change my mind.
Wv - chedubl - When there's no thoughts flowing go to google.
Moire che dubl zist hoeng janu nunn nija ro 12 rosi.
I hope this isn't something bad.
LB - Whadda ya mean "old lady" I'm young I tell you, YOUNG! Not my best photo shoot though...
Mike - Get Posting! But please do give me a mention! lol
Mike! any sentence including - hoe, nun, ninja (lol) and rosey has to be are a bad bad boy!
Hahahahaha-look what I found:
"I took WT to the pubic swimming pool a few years back."
That sounds dirty.
Alyssa- Woohoo your stalking days are DONE GF...I heart ya!
You link to me and it's in a post about sagging boobs.
funny, funny stuff!
wv: recke..what happened on the Interstate Saturday that slowed me down so much!
The term for which you are looking is "wubble" - a wubble being a young lady whose upper torso wubbles wildly around when she walks down the street, such that she gets two black eyes when jogging.
vw: inglu - the interior of an igloo, which is an appropriate residence for this morning.
LA - It's Money Honey! Sorry if it was a blow "under the belt" LMAO
John - Nice smile !
Bilbo - The I am indeed an official WUBBLE! Now I must tell the WORLD...
Funny Story Fiona!
I tried to find out what the language Mike was using is, but had no why is Mike a bad bad boy?
KJ - Thank you *curtsy* I have no idea what language Mike was yabbering in I just picked up certain sounds...hoe= whore, nun and rosi ninja...get it? Oh hell maybe I'm more wakko than Mike!!!
I was eating lunch, but I totally forgive you. That picture is THAT freaking funny.
Lilu - No Heimlich? Thank GOD!
Hilarious. All boobies are good boobies.
Except man boobies.
So your boobies still win.
Narm - I heart you! I'm a "boobie" PRIZE...wait, thats fecked it? lmao
I give up... why do you associate me with money?
LA(evil twin) - Ach you know you LOVE it!
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