Had to take a re-sit.
The whole debacle raised a wee red flag in the pit stop of my single, functional, brain cell.
Cast your mind back, dear reader, to 1981.
If your too young, go Google!
The Royal Wedding.
Chuck and Di.
Di fluffed her words.
Read the first line of the third paragraph...confirmed.
Were they ever really married?
Are Willy and Harry illegitimate?
I have serious doubts as it is, as far as Harry is concerned.
We know Diana had sexy time with James Hewitt

And then along came Prince Harry!

Hmmm, looks like the "Royal Family" are in a wee bit of a quandary.
And if young Willy is indeed a "Fitz",
because Mommy screwed up her vows, then when Auld Lizzie meets her maker, Andy will be King ( Charley has NO chance by the way) who's lineage I also question!

No NOT Dino for goodness sake...
Lizzie and Jerry, who knew?
Sexy time. HAAH!
My, but aren't we being Machiavellian today? And as for your title...a giant eel - THAT'S a moray!
Oh, my. I never noticed the similarities. You may have something here. Not that Jerry needs another kid but...
It was the Justice who messed up and they had to do the oath over again later.
And Obama was wrong about how many people have taken the oath -- only 43.
And I will stop spouting nerdyness all over the place now.
Ms S - Nothing quite like it!
Bilbo - I'm full of wee surprises huh? LOL@ the eel you big luv bug you!
LA - I'm thinking !
Abbot - Oh, ok, NERD guy! :)
On with the nerd stuff. It doesn't matter what you say in front of whomever. If you sign the piece of paper and the right person sends it into the state, your married. You don't have to say anything.
wv - rearem
Mike - The NERD boys are out in force today! *assumes crash position*
I was just talking with Fearless about how William used to be the hotter one... but Harry has WAY overtaken him!
And your letter is... "D"!
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