Usually to the detrement of myself.
Sadistic little scoundrels.
At my Birthday Dinner last night WT started harping on. Come on Mommy tell us a story.
Story? Story? I'll tell you a Story!
As I have probably mentioned WT is indeed her Mothers daughter...
From as young as I can remember singing ,dancing, acting, then a bit later learning to play an instrument has been a huge part of my life.
Permit me to set the scene.
4th Year at High School, I'm 16 years old and have been in the School Drama Club for 3+ years performing in various plays, recitals etc. This year the School decides to have a 5th and 6th year production of Gilbert and Sullivans "The Pirates of Penzance".

I am elated to be auditioned and then to be selected as one of the "girls" in the Chorus.
General Satnley's daughters. I am the youngest!
No expense spared, the School hires our costumes from a Theatrical Company in London.
The show is advertised in the local newspapers, it is to run for 4 nights.
Opening night. Full house.
The Curtain goes up.
Pour o pour the pirate on!
The "girls" are in the wings, we are the fifth number.
Enter stage right, skipping and singing, "Climbing over rocky mountain"
All is well, we are good, the audience loves us.
The Pirates, Mabel and Frederic have done their bit and it's time for the grand entrance of
"The Major General"
We "girls" all run to the front of the stage, waving and shouting "Papa,Papa"

This we do, only to be met by a very loud voice from the audience yelling
"Fiona, Fiona it's mum, I'm over here!"
Stunned silence. Giggles, louder giggles. Uproarious laughter both on and off stage.
That day dear reader, that gray day, was the day I imbibed my first alcoholic tipple.
Suffice to say this tale of utmost mortification elicits a good old giggle from my kids.
Entertainment becomes entertaining.
Break a leg?...if I had been able to dismount that feckin stage my "MUM" would have had two!!
"utmost mortification"
And now it's payback time. You get to embarrass the hell out of your kids.
Happy B-day darlin!
I hope you, "our boy," and the king had a bloody good time.
Miss you tons.
Mike - The wee shites are gonna suffer!
Ms S- TY sweetie pie, i'm sure WE did!
Miss ya too GF.
Easy fix, come around for a "cup of tea" xxxxxF
Oh, I can see now that I will have to blog sometime about my experiences with high-school acting. I'm not sure the world is ready, but perhaps I'll give it a try...
bilbo - As usaul I'll have a stiff one ready in hand!
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