Ok, lame, lame, lame I can but agree.
I started digging into my family history last year in the misguided hope of discovering some ancestral link which would justify my rebellious tendencies.
Me and Willy Wallace, have to be related, it's the only explanation.

AND you can see the Mel Gibson lookielikee can't you!
Cost a bloody fortune to do the research.
I have to pay the Scottish Records Office lots of dollars to look at birth, marriage and death certificates on line.
They don't make it easy, believe me.
(Rewrite) They don't make the research easy, they do however make paying for it as easy as one click of an "Enter" key.
It's daylight robbery, evening thievery, night time they've got you big time, glass of vino in one hand, clicking that "Ent" key with the other, like a demented chicken pecking Willys' eyes out and to hell with the credit card bill.
On a few occassions waking up and wondering who the feck "Angus McTavish" was and why the hell I'd spent $50 on him.
If any of you dear readers know a "McTavish" point them over here, they're feck all to do with me and I want reimbursed!
Actually it was a lot of fun and I turned up some interesting ( if not, Wallace Family Origin) facts.
1.More unwed grannies than you could shake a stick at!
2.Couple of shot-gun weddings referred to as "Marriage by Sheriff Warrant"
3. Every single male on both sides until the 1920's worked with horses, it must be in
my genes :)
4. No family member on either side moved out with a 20mile radius from 1637-1951.
5. 1637 was as far back as I could get.

(We never moved out of the Wee Scottie Dogs Head. Can you see it? A prize for anyone who can! )
Pre 1600 marriage records become parish entries and do not have the names of the couples parents thus the task becomes more convoluted and I'm too poor to care.
When I manage to pay off the ginormous credit card bills, I'll resume my research.
Only between 8a.m and 5p.m though...yeah right, look out McTavish I'll be back.